feel free to like,share and comment! :) love ya!


Wednesday 30 November 2011

LOVE ? what do you mean by love ? haih . susah nak tau erti sebenar empat huruf tu kan ? haha . tapi , tu la kenyataannye . manusia zaman sekarang senang senang je sayang orang , then bile dah bosan . tinggalkan orang tu . kejam sungguh kan manusia nie ? i hope , i'm not one of them . hehehehe

pabila hati berbisik

Saturday 26 November 2011

so hari ni... nak luahkan perasaan yg da lame terpendam dlm hati ni... firstly, x payah la aq nk ckp sape org yg da rase sgt menyampah bile nk jumpe..cause..dye da buat sume yg die rase baik tok aq, tpi yg sebenarnye...sgt  x baik tuk aq... wahai manusia...ko igt ko agak kaya...ko ade tv HD kat rumah, ko ade tabloid, ade phone touch screen, ade dvd player, ade home theater, ade motor besar,ade kete 2-3 bijik, ko pikir aq nk kawan nan ko sbb tu sume ke? aq rase ko da salah sgt... aq x nk kekayaan ko...yg aq nk, ko baik dgn aq. x gadoh-2...
hidup berkawan dgn tenang dan damai... tapi, disebab kan ape yg telah ko buat kat aq...aq da x percaya dgn ko lagi... disebabkan perkare yg x wujud tu..da membuatkan aq rase, ko ni sesuatu makhluk yg x patot pon dipercayai dari pada awal aq kenal ko lagi... aq menyesal sbb kenal ko, menyesal sbb baik dgn ko... aq pon da x tau nk kate ape... aq da bg ko petunjuk utk ko ceritakan segale-galenye kat kteorg sume yg telah ko tipu... tapi.. ko ttp teros kan jgk penipuan tuh... bile aq jumpe ko, bile ko call aq, aq da x tau nk ckp ape dgn ko...aq rase...aq dah fade-up da dgn ko.. sbb.. tepuk dada,tanye selera la...aq x berani nk wat statement ape-2 even aq tgh citer pasal ko skang ni... aq sedih la... kenape ko mest nk teros kan penipuan ko..sedangkan sume skali aq da bongkar?! mest ke ko kate,ape yg ko citer tu sume nyer BENAR belaka? just admit it la girl.. I know everything already... your family that go there with you say, she didn't bring you along lha... all the lies you've been told me.. is just a lies... oh yee... baru teringat.. ko ade beli bnyk barang kan? sneakers, CD,DVD,poster,uhmm.. T-shirt pon ade kot.. tpi kan... bile aq beli DVD <Happy ZE:A's Day> yg berharga RM 110.00 ko kate membazir??? ea..FYI.. ko tu DAH BELI LGI BANYAK DARI PADA APE YG AQ BELI KAN??? bukan ke... KAU YG LEBIH MEMBAZIR DARI AKU???  ko beli pon...bukan ko pakai pon..malu la konon...saiz laki laa...jenis lelaki la... abes tu, yg ko beli tu apehal?!?! membazir je!! baik ko bg sugar-daddy ko yg pakai... alaa...sugar-daddy ko..yg dkt ***** tu...yg kaye tu...dok dlm mansion tu... yg slalu tunjuk chocolate abs yg maybe hanye la baby belly kat ko tu... yg pakai costume mon*** tu...yg mcm berok dlm bilik ko tu... oh yee...ko pon dpt iPad kan..??? tpi ko tggl kan kat sane..sbb,ko x nk amek kan?? kalo aq,org da bg...aq amek jer..mmg la muke tembok sikit ... x pon... KAU TAK ADE LANGSUNG BENDE-BENDE TU KAN???? sengaje je nk tarik perhatian sume org,,,termasok la cikgu-2 ko... kan? kesian btol..cari publisiti murahan je... aq da x phm ko lagi... ko ckp org tu muke buruk la..x cantik la.. katek laa... gemok la.. itu la, ini la, maybe aq just gelak jer..tapi kan..sbelom ckp org tu punyer figure tu cam tu... aq nk tanye la... KO ADE X CERMIN MUKE KO DULU SBELOM BUAT PENILAIAN KO TU DKT ORG LAIN YG KO TAK KENAL DAN TAK BERSALAH?? ade x? kalo la ade.. dan ko pikir bahawa Allah maha adil...alhamdulillah...bertambah pahale... tapi... kaloo ko ade cermin muke ko tu...tapi ko pikir... "aq ni lagi cantik dri org lain tau!" -pastu gelak...mmg da x boleh nk ckp ape lg la... da nazak sgt tu... nk aq sponser tok buat ******c ******y ke?? kalo nk...inform jer..aq support doe!.hahaha*evil laugh* sorry la..kalo aq da buat ko tersinggung time bace ni...dan x sggup nk troskan...x pe..tpi..aq ade lg highlight ape yg ko da buat kat aq... oh and esp. majalah E-*** kesayangan aq tu...ko dah conteng da dgn SIG****** ko yg x seberape tu... kalo cantik, kemas, dan ASLI/TULEN, yes! aq terima la..! aq x kisah la kalo bende-2 yg ko conteng kat mag aq tu ASLI.. aq pon tau ... ko kan x suke bende-2 yg FAKE ni...so, aq pon same la nan ko..BENCI bende-2 yg FAKE... tapi.... ko la yg telah menyukai bende-2 fake tu tanpe ko sedar... so.. jgn la conteng buku org lain... dan kate bende tu ORIGINAL punyer sig****** ok? actually..mmg bnyk aq nk tulis psl ape yg ko buat kat aq... oh..especially when you say that your sugar-daddy is here, and spending their holidays here...and also will come to our ******. but...they never been there... how disappointing right? i bet, anyone who read this and understand this, will be angry too... tapi..aq mcm buat x hirau jer..even aq da tau yg sugar-daddy ko tu TAK WUJUD PON! yes..aq IYE-kan aje ape yg citer,ckp...and everything that you do... aq iye-kan ajer...do you understand that??? aq rase ko ni mest da over stressed with your family, brother, and sister.... sbb aq slalu la dgr ko maki-2 org x tentu pasal... you judt judges something by it covers only.. igt ko punyer cover tu baik sgt la? ok la.. aq mintak maaf sgt sgt...aq tau... ko marah kat aq..tpi, ko nk marah kat aq pasal ape? ade aq tipu kau?? aq rase..x de.. xde la terok sgt... mcm ko punye penipuan.. kan? kalo la ape yg ko citer...story the telling kat sume org yg ko knl..and then nk gebang-2 pasal mamat yg aq x tau la wujud ke x.. tu semua nyer BETOL dan ape yg aq tuduh ko tu semua nye SALAH... then, why should you be mad at me? I didn't do anything wrong... aq just buat kesimpulan jer.. sbb ko x de bukti nk tunjuk kat aq ape yg story-2 ni betul... tu je... kalo aq da buat kesimpulan yg salah...ckp je la yg aq ni da buat salah.... xpayah la smpai nk bermusuhan dgn aq.. x payah la nk ignore aq..pastu pegi dkt kwn aq yg pure innocent tu pasal ko punyer sugar-daddy and thr place you have go... menyusah kan org jer.. sah la yg ko tu tipu kiteorg sume.. x yah nk nafi kan lg la... aq seriously da tau everything la... accept the truth la yg ko da kalah dlm permainan ko sendiri... 
so girl.. aq harap dgn luahan hati aq ni....ko dpt la renung-renungkan ape yg ko da buat kat aq selame 2 tahun berturut-turut ni... okay? aq seriously da fade-up nan ko... sedar la weyhh.. jgn la nk susah kan org lain slain aq... aq x nk ko tipu org lain slain aq...biar la aq jer yg tau sifat-2 burok kau.. ko jage la diri baik-2...jgn sampai x de org nk kawan dgn ko...dan biarkan ko hidup sorg-2 dlm dunia fantasi ko... aq btol-2 risaukan mase depan ko..kalo ko x henti kan penipuan ko... aq ikhlas ckp...henti kan la... sebagai sahabat...aq sayang kan ko tau x... pernah skali kwn aq, nangis sbb ko... kenape ko sggup tipu kteorg sume... kenape? sbb nye..ko sorg je yg tau.. aq x boleh nk buat kesimpulan tentang perasaan ko.....
itu je yg aq nk ckp.... kalo aq troskan lg...makin sakit hati kau dkt aq... thanks sbb kwn dgn aq..slame 2 tahun ni..thanks sbb da jage aq...thanks sbb da ajar aq dlm subjek-2 yg aq lemah...thanks utk segale-gale nye kawan....aq x kan lupe kan jasa-2 kau dekat aq...
sekian luahan hati seorg kawan yg bernama
Azni Ezatty batch '96
aq syg kwn-2 aq

hahaha~ touching-2 pulak! hehehe byezzzzzzz~
junshik love! :)

pabila hati berbisik

Saturday 19 November 2011

Chocolate Frappe!

Haha~ teibe jer Phineas and Ferb...

ni mest sbb tgh tgk PaF la ni... virus adek sedare da melekat da..
and now.. da habis skola... so..mest boring gle la nk megharungi hidup selama 6 minggu ni... sangat,sangat boring... =='... tolong...

i'm so.... bored~ anybody.....somebody..... entertain me! :)
kan best kalo dpt minum chocolate frappe
...dgn org yg kucing parsi ni suke~!
ni org yg kucing parsi suke
comel kan?? hehehehe
I know~ he's so cute aiight~
nobody can resist him! :)
so..nak kongsi gmbr Chocolate Frappe la!
sbb Chocolate Frappe ni..nmpk sedap dan sedap sgt! :) hehehe

so... ni la gmbr-gmbr nye.... nampak sgt sedap kan....???? I know~ sedap giler!
hope sgt dpt minum skali~ 
ok la.. selesai suda untok entry kali ni~ hehehehe
K baii~ :)

pabila hati berbisik

Thursday 10 November 2011

Life is not what you think like
Life is full of love
Life is full of sadness
Life is full of happiness
life is full of STORY
just love the life you had right now


pabila hati berbisik

Sunday 6 November 2011

uhm... x tau nk tulis ape! haha~ :D

so.. disebabkan x tau nak tulis ape nih.. nak bg eye-candy la! :D
L.Joe!! you forgot to pick Ricky!!!

It's me and my other friend~ :D

these three handsome boys~

so.. the first post and I don't know what to write...... bored huh.. :D hahaha~ genchantamyeon.. :D
so.. peace out! :D

pabila hati berbisik